
  • Tanya's Story

    “This movement completely turned my parenting journey on it’s head and allowed me to become the mother I was meant to be.”

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Storytelling is central to feeling connected to ourselves and others.

Sharing our experiences is a deeply important way to bring light to the important though often invisible work being done by parents. Through the telling of our stories, we bring hope, solidarity and compassion to others.

Here are some of the stories our members have shared with us about the impact our movement, The Beyond Sleep Training Project has had on them.

To hear/ read even more stories, check out the wonderful

  • family of 4 cuddled together in a field

    Tanya's Story

    “This movement completely turned my parenting journey on it’s head and allowed me to become the mother I was meant to be.”

  • A man, woman, toddler and baby all smiling together

    Kasey's Story

    Kasey describes how The Beyond Sleep Training Project group helped support her as she welcomed her second baby to her family

  • a mother and baby sleeping side by side in bed

    Jacinta's Story

    “It was around the time when I stumbled upon this fabulous group. When I was utterly exhausted and wondering how I would make it through the next day…”

  • A mother, standing at a window, holding her baby

    Carisa's Story

    “In the last 6 weeks, I had given up. on the schedule. I stopped trying to get her to take naps in her crib. I began nursing her to sleep for all sleep…”

  • a woman standing alone in a bedroom holding her child, rocking them to sleep

    Share your story

    We grew out of storytelling, and we intend to keep those roots as an integral part of our organisation.